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En aquest bloc o "bitàcola" trobaràs recursos, recomanacions, articles, materials descarregables, enllaços, idees, propostes, notícies, relacionades amb la feina de pedagogia terapèutica. És a dir, tot allò que t'hauria agradat que et contessin quan vares començar a fer feina de PT. També hi ha materials aprofitables per a tutors i educadors en general, d'atenció a la diversitat i d'educació especial.

Una avioneta amb pinces i pals de gelat i un imant per la gelera

Clothespin Airplane Party Favors

Idea original:

That I found, and played a little with clothespins and wooden ice-cream sticks to make  these Clothespin Airplane party favors.  They came out pretty cute, so, of course I wanted to share them with you.


  1. Wooden Clothespins
  2. Mini popsicle sticks  for the tail wing and rudder (you will cut both ends off some of your mini popsicle sticks, for a tail rudder for each plane)
  3. Medium/small ice cream sticks or medium sized popsicle sticks (I used the ice cream sticks) for the wings
  4. Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  5. Magnets
  6. Spray paint and/or craft paint


  1. Drop a dab of hot glue on the top of a clothes pin.

2. Place an ice-cream stick on top of the glue to create a top wing; press together firmly.

3. Place another dab of glue on the bottom side of the clothespin under and parallel to the first.

4. Place a dab of glue on the tail and glue a mini popsicle stick for the tail.
5.  Cut the ends of some of the popsicle sticks for tail rudders. Steve cut these for me with a hacksaw.  He put 5 together at a time, and put them in a vice and sawed them off (another alternative: use pliers to hold them and then saw them one at a time).

6.   Put a dab of hot glue on the bottom of the tail rudder piece.

7.  Glue to the tail.

8.  Create a protected environment to spray paint….
9.  Place a stick in the mouth of the clothespin to give yourself a handle while spray painting.
10.  Spray paint both sides of the plane (you could also paint with acrylic craft paint and a brush).
Decorate with an alternate paint color if you desire; Steve did all the painting for me; I think he had a great time doing it; there is a kid in all of us don't you think.    He also loved thinking about each of his Grandkids while he painted them.
Glue a magnet to the bottom.

These can be used to make party favors as is, or added to a Magnetic Greeting Card, for a cute decoration on the card.  Click here for the instructions. 

Have fun!
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