Es racó des PT

En aquest bloc o "bitàcola" trobaràs recursos, recomanacions, articles, materials descarregables, enllaços, idees, propostes, notícies, relacionades amb la feina de pedagogia terapèutica. És a dir, tot allò que t'hauria agradat que et contessin quan vares començar a fer feina de PT. També hi ha materials aprofitables per a tutors i educadors en general, d'atenció a la diversitat i d'educació especial.

Una aplicació curiosa

Per si qualque vegada heu de menester una fulla / plantilla amb una trama de fons concret, per fer exercicis.

Aquesta aplicació t'ho genera en PDF i de franc !!

Free Online Graph Paper / Grid Paper PDFs

Downloadable and very printable, I find these PDFs extremely useful.

Square Graph Papers

Simple Grid Graph Paper Preview

Graph Paper

Plain Graph Paper PDF Generator - Set your border and grid spacing (i.e. 4 lines per centimemter) to get as much graph as possible on your paper.

Graph Generator Lite - Specify the number of squares you want - and the size of them.

Multi-Width Graph Paper Preview


Multi Width Generator

For those who want extra border on the left side of the page, and only need 2 different lineweights, try this experimental PDF generator.

Multi-Color Graph Paper Preview


Multi Color Generator

Same as multi-width, with the ability to specify different colors per grid size.

Square Cross Grid Graph Paper Preview

Cross Grid

Like normal graph paper - but with cross grids.

X and Y lines are configurable independently, so you can make tall or wide crosses.

Weighted Grid Paper Preview

Light Verticals

Lined Paper with Light Verticals PDF Generator - Horizontal lines with vertical lines being in a lighter color. The weights of both the lines can be adjusted.

Grid Lined Graph Paper Preview

Grid Lined

Grid-Lined PDF Generator - Multiple boxes per each writing line.

Axonometric Graph Paper Preview

Axonometric Perspective

Axonometric (bisected) diamond PDF Generator You can make them without the vertical bisector as well.

Inverted Graph Paper Preview

Inverted Graph Paper

Inverted (white-on-colour) PDF Generator

Square Dots Graph Paper Preview


Like normal graph paper - but with dots instead of lines.

Detached Square Graph Paper Preview


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