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Cossiol de "cactus pedra" !!

Fàcil i molt efectista !!
Cossiol de "cactus pedra" !!

 DIY Rock Cactus Garden- this if for those self declared Brown-Thumbs out there! We saw this & thought they were cute! This would be a fun project to do with the little kids, gather a few rocks on your next outing...

#Budget101 #crafts #KidsCrafts #RockGarden #Garden #BrownThumb #GreenThumb #Funny

Foto: DIY Rock Cactus Garden- this if for those self declared Brown-Thumbs out there! We saw this & thought they were cute! This would be a fun project to do with the little kids, gather a few rocks on your next outing...

#Budget101 #crafts #KidsCrafts #RockGarden #Garden #BrownThumb #GreenThumb #Funny

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